Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friendly Morning

So, as I was walking to school this morning (about a 15 minute walk to the edge of campus) some random guy started talking to me. He walked me all the way to my building, talking to me about my major, where I'm from, etc. He was tall (like 6'5"), interesting, and had very nice eyes. Considering there are about 34,000 students at BYU, I most likely will never see him again. But seriously...what a way to start the day! :) People are so friendly here, it's nice.


  1. Well, he walked you to where you live... so he KNOWS where you live. Maybe you will be seeing more of him??

  2. Umm...he walked me to campus, not to my apartment, so....yeah. I know his first name: Andrew. Ha...I don't think that will get me very far. Maybe I'll just try to walk to class at the same time next Tuesday. :P

  3. ...maybe this is a relatively subtle introduction from heavenly father to your...eternal companion? lol. but either way, i wouldn't wait for that to happen, yell out "andrew" and see who answers!
